Thursday, February 28, 2008

Why I can't get any work done.

I can't get any work done because it is too cold.
I can't get any work done because I am too tired.
I can't get any work done because I am not in the mood.
I can't get any work done because I feel sick.
I can't get any work done because my house is dirty.
I can't get any work done because I have low self-esteem.
I can't get any work done because it is never good enough.
I can't get any work done because I'm a nobody.

Friday, February 22, 2008

What's so funny about pieces, syrup, and understanding?

One day, a few years ago, I was poking around my kitchen. Not really accomplishing anything domestic, just moving cans and looking at boxes as if I had some deep-rooted concern to start being Betty Crocker.
Then I saw it. The can of peaches. (or maybe it was pears..whatever....) The title was brilliant! "Irregular Pieces in Light Syrup"
I stuck the name in a sketchbook, and tried desperately to come up with an artistic manifestation of this great title. So far, no good.
And now, I choose for this to be the title of my blog.
More to come.....